Sunday, September 9, 2012

New day

It has been a while since I posted anything.  Nothing new to post really.  Andrew (Scott) is locked up in San Diego county jail for possession.  He is there until Mar 2013.  At least he will have been almost a year without drugs of any kind. 

Today I have decided is a new day.  At least for me.  I am letting go of the fear, worry and anger.  It is what it is.  If Andrew doesnt care then why should I.  I have made myself sick with fear, worry and anger.  I have two beautiful daughters that lived in the same house as Andrew and managed to turn out to be two awesome women/mothers.  I am proud to call them my daughters, my friends. 

I will not allow Andrew's addiction to make me feel like a bad parent anymore.  It is in his nature to blame everyone and everything else for his addiction.  I will not allow it to wash over me anymore.  I still love him and hope for the best for him.  Everyone on this earth has had something happen in their childhood that they would rather not have gone through.  We can either let it define us or let it make us stronger for it.  I chose stronger.  I wish Andrew could find his way to do the same.

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