Sunday, January 29, 2012

God's Plan

It has been a while since I have updated. I wish I could say that there has been some change or something positive to report, but it is the status quo. That isnt entirely true, there is something positive, due to the fact that he is in county, he is clean from Heroin.

Still sitting in county jail. At least I get letters, usually asking me for money on his books or to send him some books. His letters, some have been rambling, so have been focused. I at least see a glimmer of the son I knew in his words every now and then.

I was telling someone about him today, also a parent of a child that is lost. My conversation brought me around to my thoughts of 'what is this all for?', why did God save him if this was how it was all to work out?? At any rate, I made a decision. I will not think that this was all for naught. I have to believe that God has a plan and a purpose for my son. For some reason, known only to God, my son has to go through this stretch of his life. I cannot and will not accept that he is completely lost to God or to his family. God has answered my prayers before. Once when my son was in critical care at the age of 4 when he had chicken pox that went into an infection and then a month later fluid building up on his brain from a severe sinus infection and they had to do surgery. Again, God answered my prayers when at age 8 he had a ruptured appendix and a careless surgeon almost missed it.

I have to believe that God will answer my prayers again and that my son will turn his life around and be productive and our family will get to see him again and he will get to know his nephew and nieces. I have to believe that he has to go through this experience to be prepared for God's plan and that it will be revealed in God's time, not mine. I have to believe, but God, could you make it soon?

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