Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rock Bottom

What would your rock bottom look like or feel like? For me, I would say I have hit my rock bottom several times in my life. Once when I found out my husband was cheating on me and going through the divorce. The second time when I found out that the new man I had married was being abusive to my son and I had to force him out, another divorce. And then the subsequent forclosure of my home and respossession of my car and having to put my 12 year old lab down all in the same month....I was curled up on the floor in tears in my kitchen. These times of my life I would say were all rock bottom.
I picked myself up and moved on from each and now I have a wonderful husband ( I knew he was a keeper when he found me curled up on the floor crying and he told me "Sometimes bad things happen to good people"), a beautiful home and a new vehicle, but most of all I have some peace in my life.
I ask the question because I am thinking about my son, 21 years old, who sits in county jail once again because he lives the lifestyle of the street and drugs, by his choice. Friends and family tell me that he has to hit rock bottom before he will be ready for a change. Well for me this kid has hit rock bottom several times. I quess I need to ask him what is rock bottom for him. Maybe he has never thought about it, maybe he has no idea...or maybe his rock bottom would be ending up in prison or death. Neither of those would be easy to hear as a parent.
So what is your rock bottom? I would be interested to know what is rock bottom for other people/parents of a lost child.

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