Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to my baby boy. Today he turns 20. I have been waiting by the phone and jumping every time it rings in hopes that he may call me as I dont have a number to call him.

So finally he called. He sounded good. Still some where in CA in Mendicino County. That is pretty much all I know. Traveling and exploring. He said "I am not a teenager anymore but I am not a man, give me a few years." I thought well at least he realizes that, he is taking a step in the right direction.

I sure miss him. When he was a boy I never dreamed that we would go two weeks without seeing each other let alone two years. I ache just to give him a hug and mess up his hair. Well until such time, I guess I save all these hugs up and stash them some place in my heart. I think I have a while to wait.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for Andrew, AKA Scott.

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