Monday, January 25, 2010


Well 2010 is proving to be a challenging year for many of my family and friends with job loss and major illness and in spite of that we have a glimmer of good news in a new grandchild is due this summer.

As for my son Scott, we have not heard from him directly. He called Jan 5th from someone else's phone. I broke down a few days ago and called the number and left a detailed message. Luckily the young man was nice enough to call back and told me that Drew as his friends know him, headed south. A day or two later we received a call from a number I did not recognize, so I did not pick. The thought crossed my mind that it might be Scott and I thought, no he always calls my cell. A couple of hours later I checked messages and it only said it was a collect call from Scott. The area code was Dallas, TX. I cannot imagine what he would be doing in TX.

Needless to say I am waiting and jumping when the phone rings and if I have to leave the house I forward the phone to my cell phone in hopes that he will call again. I just hope and pray that he is alright and not in any kind of trouble.

2010 is not starting out as promising as I had hoped it would be.

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