Sunday, February 28, 2010

Always Reminded

I am always reminded of you, my son. No matter how much I try to put you out of my mind and not worry. There is always something. Something so small that makes me think of you. Ron can always see the look on my face.

A few weeks ago, it was a kid walking down the sidewalk at the movie theater with a baseball cap and another young man with a hoodie on. Yesterday is was a kid skateboarding at the neighborhood park with a black cap, black hoodie, black shorts, black socks and black shoes, LOL...the way you dressed at one point. Today it was a family member's teenage son being bored, the way you use to always say you were bored.

Not that you are ever far from my thoughts and my prayers. I light a candle every day for you and a dear friend that is battling not one but two types of leukemia. She has said and shared many a prayer for you over the past few years.

I hope that you come home soon enough to meet her and thank her.

I love you and miss you is time to come home!

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