Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Another Mother's Day

I know Mother's Day was almost two weeks ago, but it has taken me that long to get past it. Yet another Mother's Day and I didnt get to visit with my son. I did get a belated call, which I have to admit was more than I expected.

I didnt break down on Mother's Day like I usually do. Thankfully to my daughters, Shelby, Holly and Mallory for keeping me busy. The breakdown came a week later for no other reason at all other than hearing Meranda Lambert's new song, "The House That Built Me". The chorus where she talks about losing her way and that she thought that if just came back home for a minute she might find some healing. I lost it and bawled like a baby. It hit me that I have not spent a Mother's Day with my son in fives years. This last one I did get a call, very breif call, but a call non the less. I know that I should be greatful for the call and I am. What I really want is to see my son on Mother's Day and give him a hug and look into his eyes, so that I can see for myself how he is really doing.

Maybe next Mothers Day :)

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