Friday, July 3, 2009

Peace and discouragement

Who would have ever thought that a quick business trip to San Diego could provide some peace as well as discouragement.

The peace came in a woman sitting next to me on the plane from Phoenix to San Diego. Long story short, I noticed the title of the book she was reading, Setting Boundaries with Your Adult Children. I chuckled and said, I think I need that book. We started talking, only to find out that her story was similiar to mine with my son. She let me read the preface of the book and I felt like someone had stolen moments of my own personal feelings and thoughts. Needless to say I will be tracking down a copy of this book.

The discouragement came when Scott didnt call to meet me. I guess deep down inside I knew that he wouldnt but my heart still had some shred of hope that he would. I had even packed a few things that I had come across in cleaning out some things to give to him.

So being in my peaceful discouragement in getting on the plane on the way back, my emotions were running rampid with me. I looked around and just about everyone waiting to get on this plane were a bunch of young Marines. All about my son's age. I found myself really missing my son. I so much just wanted to grab one of these kids and give them a hug and say thank you for being a Marine and serving our country. Then I found myself feeling jealous of their parents. I wanted to feel proud of my son like they could feel proud of their son. Although I do have to admit I would be so worried about my son if he were in the Marines right now. However, my pride would out weigh my worry. My son is God knows where doing God knows what, hurting God knows who and I cannot say that I am proud. I can however say that I am worried.

So to those parents and Marines, I say thank you and Semper Fi~

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