Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just when I thought things were moving in the right direction

I recieved a call from my son last Monday, long story short he called to say that he was ok and doing well. I had sent him a note on myspace letting him know that I was going to be in CA and maybe we could get together for dinner or something. I was so excited to hear from him. He said he was looking forward to seeing me and that he was excited to hear that I was going to be in CA. We set a day to meet and that he would call me and tell me where to meet him but that I had to swear not to tell anyone that we were meeting so, I agreed.

Later that day I saw he had posted on myspace, basically about he and a buddy had gotten high. I started having second thoughts about meeting him. Told my husband that I was actually worried that he might try to rob me or something if I met him. I thought, God how could I be afraid to see my own child.

Well, the next thing I know my son deletes me from his myspace with no explanation, so now I have absolutely no way to check in on him or to know where he is or what he is up to. I suspect that was his plan all along.

I have decided that I have obsessed about my son enough. While I love him very much and I pray for him every day, I can no longer chase down every lead, I can no longer log into myspace every day, sometimes several times a day to see if he by chance has logged in.

I turn it all completely over to God's hands. I will accept that I will hear from him or see him whenever God decides that it is time.

Thank you again to everyone for your prayers for my son and your support.

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