Friday, May 8, 2009

Mixed Blessings

Well we got a couple of myspace messages from Scott, the last one being on May5, 2009.

I know I should be happy at hearing from him and that at least he is alive but I would really rather hear his voice on the phone. I feel selfish for feeling that way and at the same time very grateful that at least he is keeping in touch with me somewhat.

Thank you to all of you, including my little grandson for praying every night to bring his Uncle Scotty home.

God has answered our prayers for contact and protection for Scott. Please continue your prayers as I do, that God will soon bring him home. I know that things do not move based on my timeline but within the timeline that God has for my son and I just have to have faith that God has a plan for my son and that he is still a work in progress and he will be home with us when God feels that he is ready for his plan for him.

I am looking to this weekend and Mother's day with mixed blessings. This day I celebrate being a mother to two amazing women and I think about the son that is so lost to us and feel a piece of me missing.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone.

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