Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Letting Go

Dont ask me why, but today is the day I am letting go.

I had a mini vacation last week and while sitting there fishing and enjoying the day I asked God to help me let go of my son. To help me to quit obsessing about where he is or what he is doing and to quit checking up on him.

So today is the day.

I put out a picture of him with the rest of the kids pictures and cried of course. I shredded all the legal documents and notes I had for him. After today I will no longer search the internet for him or check on myspace to see if he has logged in. I will continue to pray for him to find peace and to see God's light around him and to eventually follow that light to lead him down the path he is meant to be on.

Other than prayer, I am letting go.

I once told my husband that I thought things were supposed to get easier when your children got older but it doesnt. When they are 8 years old and heading into the path of a car, you can yank them back and repremand them. Once they are over 18 all you can do is go to the hospital with them after they got hit by the car. Do we ever get a second chance at parenting?

Well here is to letting go and letting God!

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