Sunday, March 22, 2009

Do 1 Thing

Hello all,

No update on my son. We keep checking in with the Santa Cruz, CA police and with the local hospital to see if maybe he has come in for treatment.

In the mean time I want to share something with all of you that I came across in People magazine. They recently did an article on a non-profit organization, Do1Thing. This is an organization made up of award-winning photographers, journalists, editors, designers, and writers who have come to together for one mission: To use the power of storytelling to shine an “ongoing” light into the many dark places that affect our most vulnerable children and teens.

There focus is to draw attention to the number of homeless young people living on the streets across the country, 650,000 to be exact.

You have know idea how hard it is for me to know that my son is one of those 650,000 young people.

Please visit their website, the link is on my blog and listed above. Even if you just visit the website to become more informed and pass that information along to others can help but if you can donate to this organization or to those listed on their website that also helps.

I believe that I was led to this article for a reason.

Thank you for your continued support in our efforts to bring Scott home.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Susan, I'm praying for Scotty. I'm sorry you have to endure this hardship.
Love you.