Saturday, April 4, 2009



Well we almost found Scott. We had placed a missing person report with Santa Cruz, CA. Something in my gut told me to call and make sure that the report was still in place. The report had been lifted just one week prior. He had been picked up and taken to a hospital for overdose of an illegal substance in Santa Barbara, some 250 plus miles south of Santa Cruz .

I contacted the hospital and found out that he had been treated and released the same day. So he is now in Santa Barbara some where. I was lucky enough that the police officer that I spoke to in Santa Barbara was a parent and knew where I was coming from and the same with the hospital admissions person. Thank you God, for giving me parents to talk to. They were both so understanding and compassionate. Complete strangers!! They will probably never know how much their little effort in compassion and kindness touched me. Through all of my phone calls, I had my daughter Shelby conferenced in. Her support has been invaluable to me!

I continue with my prayer that Scott comes home with his heart full of hope and optimisim to turn his life around. I pray every day that God will embrace him with his love and that my son will feel Gods love around him and see his light when he looks in the mirror.

Thank you to my friend Sharon, for listening, praying and always being my rock of optimism!

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