Sunday, April 24, 2011


Well, I havent heard from Scott in over a month. He is MIA again. Along with him is a piece of my heart.

It donned on me that not only is he missing out on getting to know his nieces and nephew and spending time with the family but we are missing getting to see him as a young man. His nephew is missing having his uncle cheer him on at t-ball. His nieces are missing getting to know the uncle that would give them big bear hugs and piggy back rides. He is missing getting to see his sisters as mom's and wonderful grown women. His sisters are missing getting to see thier baby brother all grown up. He is missing spending time with his younger cousins that still remember him being around and ask about him. He is missing spending what might be the last time in his life with his grand-parents. He is missing spending time with his step-dad who would be taking him hunting and fishing and working on an old clunker just because they could. He is missing out on spending time with his mom. These are the every day things. Besides the holidays and special occassions, he is missing out on the every day moments that make life so worth while. The smile on little Mia's face and watching Lexi grab after an easter basket because she saw something yummy in it. Watching Noah as he opens an envelope from Grampa in Michigan with an Abraham Lincoln (five dollar bill) in it.

As much as we are missing Scott he is missing so much more and doesnt even realize it.
Here's hoping that he wakes up soon and comes home before he misses much more.

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