Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Missing Moment

This is what I am begining to call the moments, and there are a lot of them, when I am missing my son. I so much just want to hear his laugh and I never thought I would say that I miss his sarcastic remarks but I do. I also miss his sense of humor. He immitates Robin Williams very well and could always make me laugh on the worst day. There was a time when I was so sick every weekend when I lost my hearing. I just would push to get through the work week so when it came to the weekend, I may have spent the whole weekend in bed. He would come and watchin movies with me, make me laugh and try to brighten my spirits through it all.

I didnt realize it at the time, he was stronger than I thought. I kept the extent of my illness from him, he was 12, I thought I was doing the right thing. In hindsight, I think that he needed me to need him for a little bit. I sometimes wonder if I had handled this differently if he would have chosen a different path.

So, I am having a Missing Moment....missing my son terribly. His birthday was last Sunday and I really thought that I may have heard from him. Since I have not, I have talked it over with his sisters and we all agreed that maybe it was time to file a missing person report. So Saturday, God give me strength to get through this process and give me strength should he be found to handle whatever the outcome.

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