Monday, July 21, 2008

When do you give up hope?

As a parent I thought the last thing that I would ever do was give up hope on one of my kids. When does a parent get to the point when you give up on one of your kids? My son has broken my heart more times than I can count. I always told him no matter what I would never give up on him, even after he repeatedly told me to. However, I think that I am to that point. It now breaks my heart that I feel this way.

My family and friends all tell me that I have done everything that I can and more than some parents may do. It still doesn't make me feel better, unfortunately.

So on I go, arguing with myself. My head says give up on it, move on and live life and enjoy my daughters and my grandchildren. My heart aches that my son is not there at family functions or that I cannot reach out and call him or that he reaches out and calls me. I wish that my heart and head would reconcile.

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