Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another family get together

Well we all got together for my sisters birthday. I dont know why I am surprised the my son didnt make an appearance or call. His grama asked about him and if I had heard from him, of course I havent.

We know that he is some where, as we see him sign on to his 'My Space'. Apprently My Space and his friends are the only things that are important to him.

A while back my sister in law asked me if I still worry about him even though he is 18 or if I am kind of numb to it all. I replied that I was numb...well I wish that I was as numb as I would like to be. There isnt a day go by that I dont think about my son or say a prayer for him.

For all those parents and families out there who have gone through this type of loss, I ask you, at what point do you get to quit worrying and praying?

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