Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Lost Son

About 5 years ago I lost my son who at the time was 13, to drugs. Now dont mistake me, he didnt die, however he has been lost to us just the same. He has pushed us away. Us being me his mother, his two older sisters, grandparents, an aunt, cousins and a nephew. We all care for him very much and he has chosen drugs and his 'homies' over his family.

We have helped him through several rehabs, in and out of detention until he turned 18 this year. Since that time he has been in a group home for about two months until a month ago when he went AWOL. Now none of us no where he is or if he is ok. When he left the group home he left all his belongings behind. So basically he left with a paycheck in his pocket.

Mothers day came and went and not so much as a phone call. Family get togethers which we have tried to include him via the only contact we have, an email...still nothing.

I only hope that he realizes how much his family loves him and that we are the REAL people that care about him before it is too late.

I pray several times a day that he sees the light and that he sees that the life his is living will only lead to lonliness, emptiness and a way of life that is not productive.

This blog is for other parents like me, who have lost a child to drugs.

God bless.

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