Monday, February 16, 2009

Good Friends

Last night I was talking to a good family friend that I have known since I was a teenager. This family friend has always helped remind me to have faith and to ask for God's help growing up and into my adulthood. We caught up with each other, I already knew that she was battling leukemia and some other personal life surprises. I was so happy that she called and to hear that she sounded so good. Her battle, though tough, is going well. As it happened, she was calling me from her hospital bed, as she was in for another round of chemo. The doctors are confident that she will go into remission with this round of chemo and one more.

As we were talking and catching up, the subject came around to my son. I am so amazed by my friend that I almost cant put it into words. Here she is in a hospital bed fighting for her life and she is concerned about getting ahold of a prayer chain she knows of to pray for my son. I just kept thinking how those prayers should be directed to her situation instead.

She said, "lets pray right now for Scott." So we prayed, and as we did so, I just could not stop thinking that we should be praying for her situation. My friend is just amazing! She has a heart and faith enough to put someone else's prayers before her own. I will cherish her friendship and her faith that she shares with me always.

So we prayed that in the coming days that Scott would call me and at least let me know that he is safe and well. I pray for him everyday to find the peace that he is looking for.

Thank you to my friend for sharing her faith with me and reminding me that God does listen.

1 comment:

Angela said...

God does listen. I'm glad that she was able to be a blessing to you.